Should I buy a new Computer or wait till Windows 8 released?

Windows 8 rumors, leaks and official demonstrations are circulating around the Internet.Touch friendly user interface, Windows 8 tablet computers, improved and modern operating system, application store and one OS for desktops, laptops and tablets are the main goals of Microsoft, which will be achieved from Windows 8. Early Windows 8 builds leaked to Internet already revealed these Windows 8 features. Before the end of this year you will be able to experience Windows 8 Beta and by early next year shelves will be filled with Windows 8 and Windows 8 compatible devices. Is it better to buy a new computer sooner or wait for Windows 8 computer to be released next year?

Widely used Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems are not touch friendly nor compatible with tablet computers. Also, they are not supporting ARM processors, which are specially designed for tablets. Even though there are couple of Windows base tablets, you cannot find a optimised Windows operating system for them. New Windows 8 touch friendly user interface, which is similar to Windows Mobile 7, is designed and developed to support tablet and touch screen computers. Not only it gives an elegant, modern and clean interface it adds multi tasking, switching between classic Windows interface and modern interface and also provide easy access to connect with networked computers, storage and cloud services. Therefore, I strongly recommend you to wait until Windows 8, if you are planning to buy a Windows based tablet.

Windows 8 is designed for desktop computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets. In another words, it is designed from computers with and without mouse and keyboards. On the other hand, it comes with lots of improvements and new features. Microsoft Application store, Hybrid boot, ISO mounting program, Modern PDF reader, Application Folder, optimised HTML 5 Internet Explorer, improved Task Manager, Webcam Application and improved Disk Cleanup are some of the added and improved features in Windows 8. I will not wait to buy a new computer only because of the above features. However, it will provide a better operating system for your next Windows computer.

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